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CopyScroll This article contains the transcript of Revenge of Meta Knight. (Similar)


English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
"Reactor 1, output normal."

"Adjust the balancer to ...0003!"
"Let's raise the anchor."
"Check anti-gravity plant. 1, 2, 3 OK!!"
"Release the sails, solar level 288!"
"The time has come. The time to show our power!"
"Dream Land's lazy lifestyle will end! I will rule!"



"Reactor 1 output good."

"Balancer adjustment to 0003!"
"Let's raise the anchor."
"Anti-gravity plant check. 1, 2, 3 OK!!"
"Release the sails, solar level 288!"
"The time has come. Now is the time to show our power!"
"Dream Land is full of corruption, I'll rebuild it this way!"

Chapter 1[]

The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Surprised "K...Kirby's here! He's heading towards us!" 「カ、カービィがやってきました!まっすぐこちらに飛んできます!」 "K...Kirby has arrived! He's flying straight this way!"
Sailor Waddle Dee KSS Sailor Waddle Dee Surprised "Oh my gosh! What are we gonna do?" 「たいへん!たいへん!どうしよぉ!」 "Oh no! Oh no! What do we do?!"
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Surprised "He'll get in the way. Get rid of him!" 「こんなところでジャマされたくないだスよ!」 "He can't interfere in this place!"
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Neutral "Sir Meta-Knight, what shall we do?" 「メタナイトさま、いかがいたしましょう?」 "Sir Meta Knight, what should we do?"
Meta Knight KSS Meta Knight Neutral "Soldiers near the deck, assume combat mode!" 「甲板付近のものは戦闘準備!他のものは離陸にそなえよ!」 "People around the deck get ready for battle! Other people prepare for takeoff!"

Kirby infiltrates the rocket valve. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Neutral "Kirby's in the rocket valve!" 「カービィが、ロケットバルブに進入!」 "Kirby's entered the rocket valve!"
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Angry "Release Heavy Lobster! Quickly! Quickly!" 「ヘビーロブスターを投入しろぉ!急げぃ!」 "Throw in Heavy Lobster! Hurry up!"

Kirby's behind the nozzle. The following dialogue progresses automatically.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Neutral "Kirby's behind the nozzle! Fix him!" 「ノズルのうしろで、カービィが戦っているだス!」 "Kirby's fighting behind the nozzle!"
Meta Knight KSS Meta Knight Determined "Prepare to take off! Blow Kirby away!" 「離陸を強行するぞ!カービィをふきとばせ!」 "Force takeoff! Blow Kirby away!"
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Neutral "OK! Main engine ignition!" 「OK!メインエンジン点火!」 "OK! Main engine ignition!"
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Angry "Take off!" 「いまだ!テイクオフ!」 "Takeoff!"

The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Surprised Kirby's here! He's flying this way! 「カ、カービィがやってきました!まっすぐこちらに飛んできます! "K...Kirby has arrived! He's flying straight this way!"
Sailor Waddle Dee KSSU Sailor Waddle Dee Surprised Oh no! Oh no! What do we do?! 「たいへん!たいへん!どうしよぉ! "Oh no! Oh no! What do we do?!"
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Surprised He mustn't interfere with our plans! 「こんなところでジャマされたくないだスよ! "He can't interfere in this place!"
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Neutral Lord Meta Knight, what is your command? 「メタナイトさま、いかがいたしましょう? "Sir Meta Knight, what should we do?"
Meta Knight KSSU Meta Knight Neutral All on deck prepare for battle! All others prepare for takeoff! 「甲板付近のものは戦闘準備!他のものは離陸にそなえよ! "People around the deck get ready for battle! Other people prepare for takeoff!"

Kirby infiltrates the rocket valve. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Neutral "Captain Vul, Kirby's infiltrated the rocket valve!" 「バル艦長、カービィがロケットバルブに進入しました! "Captain Vul, Kirby's entered the rocket valve!"
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Angry "Whaat?! Throw the Heavy Lobster at 'im!" 「ええぃ!ヘビーロブスターを投入しろぉ! "Huuh?! Throw in Heavy Lobster!"

Kirby's behind the nozzle. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Surprised Kirby is just behind the nozzle now! 「カービィがノズルのうしろにいるだス! "Kirby is behind the nozzle!"
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Neutral Ready for takeoff now! She can fly at any time! 「離陸準備がととのいました!じき飛べます! "Preparations for takeoff are ready! We'll be flying soon!"
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Angry Hurry it up! Where's Heavy Lobster?! 「急げ急げぃ!ヘビーロブスターはまだか! "Hurry up, hurry up! Still no Heavy Lobster?!"

Kirby is fighting Heavy Lobster. The following dialogue progresses automatically.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Sailor Waddle Dee KSSU Sailor Waddle Dee Surprised Kirby is currently fighting Heavy Lobster! 「カービィとヘビーロブスター、現在、戦闘中です! "Kirby is currently fighting Heavy Lobster!"
Meta Knight KSSU Meta Knight Determined Initiate takeoff! We'll blow Kirby away! 「離陸を強行するぞ!カービィをふきとばせ! ""Force takeoff! Blow Kirby away!"
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Neutral OK! Main engine ignition! 「OK!メインエンジン点火! "OK! Main engine ignition!"
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Angry Now! Takeoff! 「いまだ!テイクオフ!」 "Takeoff!"

Chapter 2[]

The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Neutral "Kirby's been blown to the ocean!" 「カービィは海まで飛ばされたようです。」 "Looks like Kirby was blown to the ocean!"
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Neutral "That was sure close." 「ぷぅ。ヤバかっただス。」 "Phew. That was risky."
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Neutral "I'll conquer Dream Land with the Halberd!" 「この空中戦艦『ハルバード』でプププランドは制圧されるのだ!」 "I'll gain total control with this air battleship 'Halberd!'"
Meta Knight KSS Meta Knight Determined "Our first target... Grape Garden!" 「まずはこてしらべだ。目標、グレープ・ガーデン!」 "First a little test. Target, Grape Garden!"

Kirby flies back on the Warp Star. The following dialogue progresses automatically.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Surprised "Kirby is flying back toward us!" 「カービィが飛んできます!」 "Kirby is flying!"
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Neutral "Main cannon's ready. Shall we blast him?" 「主砲準備、オッケーだス。1発いってみるだスか??」 "Okay, main battery ready. Should we try one shot??"
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Laughing "All right. Shoot him!" 「よし、ドカーンといけ!ドッカーンと!!」 "All right, go kaboom! Ka-boom!!"

The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Neutral Looks like Kirby was blown into the ocean. 「カービィは海まで飛ばされたようです。 "Looks like Kirby was blown to the ocean!
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Neutral Hmm. That was close. 「ぷぅ。ヤバかっただス。 "Phew. That was risky.
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Neutral My flying fortress, the Halberd, will now rule over all of Dream Land. 「この空中戦艦『ハルバード』でプププランドは制圧されるのだ! "I'll gain total control with this air battleship 'Halberd!'
Meta Knight KSSU Meta Knight Determined But first a little test. Off to Grape Gardens! 「まずはこてしらべだ。目標、グレープ・ガーデン! "First a little test. Target, Grape Garden!

Kirby flies back on the Warp Star. The following dialogue progresses automatically.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Surprised "Kirby is flying after us!" 「カービィが飛んできます! "Kirby is flying!
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Neutral "OK. Main cannons online. Shall we fire?" 「主砲準備、オッケーだス。1発いってみるだスか?? "Okay, main cannon ready. Should we try one shot??
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Laughing "Fire away! FIIIIRE!" 「よし、ドカーンといけ!ドッカーンと!! "All right, go kaboom! Ka-boom!!

Chapter 3[]

The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Neutral "We got him! He fell into the forest." 「カービィ撃退!森におちたようです。」 "Kirby's been repelled. Looks like he fell in the forest."
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Laughing "Good. He will never catch up." 「よしっ。今度こそ追いつけまいっ。」 "All right. Now he'll never catch up."
Sailor Waddle Dee KSS Sailor Waddle Dee Neutral "Are you sure?" 「そーかなー?」 "Is that so?"

The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Neutral Kirby is hit! He's fallen in the woods. 「カービィ撃退!森におちたようです。 "Kirby's been repelled. Looks like he fell in the forest.
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Laughing All right. That should take care of him now. 「よしっ。今度こそ追いつけまいっ。 "All right. Now he'll never catch up.
Sailor Waddle Dee KSSU Sailor Waddle Dee Neutral I wonder... 「そーかなー? "Is that so?

Chapter 4[]

The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Surprised "We shot down Dyna Blade!" 「ダイナブレイドを撃墜しました!」 "We shot down Dyna Blade!"
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Surprised "Look! Kirby's reached the deck." 「でも!でも!カービィが甲板にいるだスぅ!」 "But! But! Kirby is on the deck!"
Meta Knight KSS Meta Knight Neutral "Remain calm. Let's come up with a plan." 「おちつけ。冷静に対処すればいいのだ。」 "Relax. We must deal with this calmly."
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Angry "All soldiers! Get Kirby. Now!" 「ものどもであえぃ!カービィをけちらせっ!」 "People meet up! Rout that Kirby!"

Kirby fights the Meta-Knights. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Meta Knight KSS Meta Knight Neutral "Kirby! Got ya!" 「そこまでだ!カービィ!」 "That's enough! Kirby!"
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Angry "Now you get a taste of our power." 「メタ・ナイツの力を思い知るがいいっ!」 "Realize the power of the Meta-Knights!"
Sailor Waddle Dee KSS Sailor Waddle Dee Neutral "Fight!" 「ファイトっ!」 "Fight!"

Kirby enters the Halberd interior. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Neutral "Kirby's gonna reach the deck!" 「カービィが甲板に出ようとしてるだスね。」 "Kirby is trying to reach the deck."
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Neutral "Direct him to the front of the twin cannon." 「では、そばにある主砲の前にごあんないしろ。」 "Well then, let's guide him ahead of the main cannon."

If Kirby enters the secret room. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Thinking "Oh no! He found it." 「見つけられたか…」 "He found it...?"
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Neutral "What is this place?" 「なんだスか?ここは。」 "What is it? This place."

Kirby enters the room before Combo Cannon. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Neutral "Kirby is getting close to the twin cannon." 「カービィは現在、2連主砲に近づきつつあります。」 "Kirby is now near the double main cannon."
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Laughing "Kirby will be torched! Wahahahahahaha!" 「これでまっくろこげだな。がはははははははっ!」 "He'll be burnt black. Gahahahahahahaha!"
Sailor Waddle Dee KSS Sailor Waddle Dee Neutral "Hahahahahaha!" 「あははははははっ!」 "Ahahahahahaha!"
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Laughing "Wahahahahahaha! Gahahahahahahaha! Hum." 「がはははははがははははっ!がはははがははっ!ふぅ。」 "Gahahahahaha gahahahaha! Gahahaha gahaha! Hm."

The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Surprised Dyna Blade has been shot down! 「ダイナブレイドを撃墜しました! "We shot down Dyna Blade!
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Surprised But...! But...! Kirby is on the deck! 「でも!でも!カービィが甲板にいるだスぅ! "But! But! Kirby is on the deck!
Meta Knight KSSU Meta Knight Neutral "Relax. We must handle this calmly." 「おちつけ。冷静に対処すればいいのだ。 "Relax. We must deal with this calmly.
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Angry "Listen, you lubbers! I want you all after that Kirby!" 「ものどもであえぃ!カービィをけちらせっ! "People meet up! Rout that Kirby!

Kirby fights the Meta-Knights. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Meta Knight KSSU Meta Knight Neutral That's far enough, Kirby! 「そこまでだ!カービィ! "That's enough! Kirby!
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Angry Now you will know the power of Meta Knight! 「メタ・ナイツの力を思い知るがいいっ! "Realize the power of the Meta-Knights!
Sailor Waddle Dee KSSU Sailor Waddle Dee Neutral Fight! 「ファイトっ! "Fight!

Kirby enters the Halberd interior. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Neutral Looks like Kirby is trying to get on deck. 「カービィが甲板に出ようとしてるだスね。 "Kirby is trying to reach the deck.
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Neutral Well then, let's guide him in front of one of the cannons. 「では、そばにある主砲の前にごあんないしろ。 "Well then, let's guide him ahead of the main cannon.

If Kirby enters the secret room. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Thinking Have we been found...? 「見つけられたか… "He found it...?
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Neutral What is this place? 「なんだスか?ここは。 "What is it? This place.

Kirby enters the room before Main Cannon #2. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Neutral Kirby is now approaching Main Cannon #2. 「カービィは現在、2連主砲に近づきつつあります。 "Kirby is now near the double main cannon.
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Laughing He'll be burnt to a crisp. Hahahaha! 「これでまっくろこげだな。がはははははははっ! "He'll be burnt black. Gahahahahahahaha!
Sailor Waddle Dee KSSU Sailor Waddle Dee Neutral Ahahaha! 「あははははははっ! "Ahahahahahaha!
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Laughing "Bwahahaha! Gahaha! ...Hm." 「がはははははがははははっ!がはははがははっ!……ふぅ。」 "Gahahahahaha gahahahaha! Gahahaha gahaha! ......Hm."

Chapter 5[]

The following dialogue progresses automatically.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Surprised "The main cannon has been destroyed!" 「主砲がバラバラだス!つかいもんにならないだス!」 "The main cannon is in pieces! It's useless!"
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Surprised "Holy cow! What happened?" 「なんだとぉ!?そ、そんなバカなっ!!」 "What?! How can that be?!!"
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Neutral "Kirby is heading toward the left wing." 「カービィは現在、左ウィングにむかっています!」 "Kirby is now heading toward the left wing!"

Kirby defeats Mr. Frosty and damages the left wing. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Surprised "Serious damage to the left wing! Approx.74%!" 「左ウィング大破!被害面積、約74%!」 "Serious damage to the left wing! Damage area, approx. 74%!"
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Surprised "Gu.....u!!" 「げげっ!!」 "A-ack!!"
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Surprised "We're gonna lose balance!" 「左右のバランスをくずしまくってるだス!」 "We're losing balance control!"
Meta Knight KSS Meta Knight Neutral "Lower the sail! Increase right wing power!" 「セイル収縮!右ウィングの浮力を下げろ!」 "Contract the sail! Lower right wing power!"

Kirby enters the ducts. The following dialogue progresses automatically.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Neutral "Kirby is moving into the duct." 「カービィがダクトを進んでいます。」 "Kirby is moving into the duct."
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Neutral "What is he trying to do?" 「何をする気だ?」 "What is he trying to do?"
Sailor Waddle Dee KSS Sailor Waddle Dee Neutral "Is he lost?" 「みちにまよったの?」 "Is he lost?"
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Thinking "Wait...I have an idea. Hee hee hee." 「まてよ…いいことを思いついた。ふふ。」 "Wait...I thought of an idea. Hee hee."

If Kirby enters the armory. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Thinking "He got into the armory." 「武器貯蔵庫にはいられたか。」 "He got into the armory."
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Neutral "He'll be able to take ANYTHING!" 「よりどりみどりだスな。」 "He can pick and choose."

Kirby enters the Heavy Lobster room. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Neutral "Ready?" 「準備はいいな?」 "Are we all ready?"
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Neutral "Is this OK, Sir?" 「本当にやるんですか?」 "Are we really doing this?"
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Neutral "Are you positive about this?" 「ぷん。きっとこうかいするだス。」 "Hmph. We'll surely regret this."
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Angry "Be quiet! This is our only chance!" 「やかましい!やつを倒すのは、今しかあるまいっ!」 "Shut up! Now is our only chance to defeat him!"
KSS Captain Vul Surprised "Don't fail again! Release Heavy Lobster!" 「2どめのしょうじき!ヘビーロブスター発進っ!」 "Second time's the charm! Launch the Heavy Lobster!"

Heavy Lobster chases Kirby. The following dialogue progresses automatically.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Laughing "Hee hee hee hee! Get Kirby!" 「ぶひゃひゃひゃひゃっ!つぶせつぶせぇ!」 "Buhyahyahyahya! Crush crush!
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Crying "Oh no, our battleship is being destroyed..." 「あぁ、われらの戦艦がこわれていく…」 "Ah, our battleship is falling apart..."
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Laughing "That's not important now! Go ahead!" 「こまかいことは気にするなぁ!ガンガンいけぇ!」 "Don't worry about the minor details! Bang bang!"

If Kirby uses Paint against Heavy Lobster and it survives. The following dialogue progresses automatically.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Surprised "Oh no! Heavy Lobster's blind!" 「バル艦長!ヘビーロブスターのメダマがつぶされました!!」 "Captain Vul! Heavy Lobster's eye was blocked!!"
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Surprised "WHAT?? Paint ability?" 「なにぃっ!ペイントのうりょくだと!?」 "Whaat?! Paint ability!?"
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Crying "It's no good. He can't see at all!" 「だめだス!右も左もわかんないみたいだス!!」 "It's no good! He can't understand left and right!!"
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Angry "Unbelievable! Kirby's still alive!" 「おのれおのれおのれおのれおのれぃ!くやしぃ~!」 "You you you you you! How annoying!"

The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Surprised "Ahh! Main Cannon #2 was destroyed!" 「あぁっ!2連主砲がやられました!」 "Aah! The double main cannon has suffered damage!"
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Surprised "The cannon's a wreck! We can't use it!" 「主砲がバラバラだス!つかいもんにならないだス!」 "The main cannon is in pieces! It's useless!"
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Surprised "What?! How could this be?" 「なんだとぉ!?そ、そんなバカなっ!!」 "What?! How can that be?!!"
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Surprised "Kirby is now heading for the left wing!" 「カービィは現在、左ウィングにむかっています!」 "Kirby is now heading toward the left wing!"
Sailor Waddle Dee KSSU Sailor Waddle Dee Surprised "You don't think he'd... 「まさかこんどは左ウィングも… "How unexpected to be the left wing now...
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Angry "Everyone! We need to keep Kirby away from the left wing! 「ものどもっ!左ウィングにカービィを近づけるな! "People! Don't let Kirby go near the left wing!

Kirby defeats Mr. Frosty and damages the left wing. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Surprised The left wing is destroyed! Damage to 74% of the wing! 「左ウィング大破!被害面積、約74%! "Serious damage to the left wing! Damage area, approx. 74%!
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Surprised Arggh! 「げげっ!! "A-ack!!
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Surprised We're starting to lose stability because of it! 「左右のバランスをくずしまくってるだス! "We're losing balance control!
Meta Knight KSSU Meta Knight Neutral Retract the sails! Give more lift to the left wing! 「セイル収縮!右ウィングの浮力を下げろ! "Contract the sail! Lower right wing power!

Kirby enters the ducts. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Angry Hey! Where's Kirby now? 「ええいっ!今、カービィはどこにいる!? "Huuh?! Where's Kirby now!?
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Neutral It looks like he's inside the cabin now... 「艦内にもぐりこんだようですが… "It looks like he slipped inside the warship...
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Neutral We got him on radar! He's in the ducts! 「レーダーでキャッチしました!ダクトに入ったようです。 "We caught him on radar! Looks like he went in the duct.

The following dialogue progresses automatically.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Neutral What's he doing there?! 「何をする気だ? "What is he trying to do?
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Surprised He's moving through the ducts now! 「現在カービィは、ダクト内を進行中だス! "Kirby is moving inside the duct now!
Sailor Waddle Dee KSSU Sailor Waddle Dee Neutral Is he lost or something? 「みちにまよったの? "Is he lost?
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Thinking Wait... I thought of something. Heeheehee. 「まてよ…いいことを思いついた。ふふ。 "Wait...I thought of an idea. Hee hee.

If Kirby enters the armory. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Thinking Has he made it to the armory? 「武器貯蔵庫にはいられたか。 "He got into the armory.
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Neutral He has his pick of the lot now. 「よりどりみどりだスな。 "He can pick and choose.

Kirby enters the Heavy Lobster room. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Neutral Are we all ready? 「準備はいいな? "Are we all ready?
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Neutral Are we really doing this? 「本当にやるんですか? "Are we really doing this?
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Neutral Hmph. I know we'll regret this. 「ぷん。きっとこうかいするだス。 "Hmph. We'll surely regret this.
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Angry Shut it! Now is our only chance to finish him! 「やかましい!やつを倒すのは、今しかあるまいっ! "Shut up! Now is our only chance to defeat him!
KSSU Captain Vul Surprised This time we will succeed! Heavy Lobster, away! 「2どめのしょうじき!ヘビーロブスター発進っ! "Second time's the charm! Launch the Heavy Lobster!

Heavy Lobster chases Kirby. The following dialogue progresses automatically.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Laughing Bwahahahaha! Crush him! CRUSH HIM!! 「ぶひゃひゃひゃひゃっ!つぶせつぶせぇ! "Buhyahyahyahya! Crush crush!
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Crying Ahh... Looks like our ship is falling apart... 「あぁ、われらの戦艦がこわれていく… "Ah, our battleship is falling apart...
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Laughing Don't worry about it! Just press on! 「こまかいことは気にするなぁ!ガンガンいけぇ! "Don't worry about the minor details! Bang bang!

If Kirby uses Paint against Heavy Lobster and it survives. The following dialogue progresses automatically.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Surprised Captain Vul! Heavy Lobster's eye has been destroyed! 「バル艦長!ヘビーロブスターのメダマがつぶされました!! "Captain Vul! Heavy Lobster's eye was blocked!!
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Surprised What?! Paint ability, you say?! 「なにぃっ!ペイントのうりょくだと!? "Whaat?! Paint ability!?
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Crying Oh no! He can't tell his left from his right anymore! 「だめだス!右も左もわかんないみたいだス!! "It's no good! He can't understand left and right!!
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Angry Rassa frassa blassa! Arrrgh! 「おのれおのれおのれおのれおのれぃ!くやしぃ~! "You you you you you! How annoying!

Chapter 6[]

The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Surprised "Major damage to the right wing!" 「ヘビーロブスターの爆発で、右ウィングもこわれただス!」 "The explosion from Heavy Lobster damaged the right wing!"
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Thinking "Don't worry! We've regained our balance." 「ふ、ふ~んだ。左右がこわれて、ちょうどいいわいっ。」 "Hmph, humph. Having left and right destroyed may be just right."
Meta Knight KSS Meta Knight Neutral "................" 「.........」 "........."
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Neutral "Kirby's outside! He's going under the ship!" 「カービィは、外壁をつたって戦艦底部に向かうようです。」 "Kirby is going along the outer wall of the battleship, looking to head toward the base."

If Kirby enters the secret area in the clouds. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Surprised "Mmm! I don't see Kirby on the radar screen." 「ややっ!?カービィがレーダーから消えただス!」 "Oh no!? Kirby disappeared from the radar!"
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Surprised "Get Kirby! NOW!!" 「見失ったのか!?さがせさがせぃ!」 "You lost him!? Search search!"
Meta Knight KSS Meta Knight Determined "He must be hiding in the clouds..." 「雲の中にまぎれたようだな…そのうち出てくるだろう。」 "He appears to have disappeared in the clouds... He'll come out soon."

Kirby enters the bottom of the ship. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Neutral "Kirby's entered from underneath the ship." 「カービィは戦艦底部を進行中。」 "Kirby is moving along the base of the battleship."
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Neutral "The bottom's weak... the wind is too strong." 「手薄なところだな…しかし風が強い。」 "That place is undermanned... but it's windy."
Sailor Waddle Dee KSS Sailor Waddle Dee Neutral "It's too cold." 「さむい。」 "It's cold."
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Neutral "I'm afraid of heights!" 「たかい。」 "It's high."
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Crying "No way! I ain't goin'." 「こわいだス。」 "It's scary."
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Thinking "You chickens!" 「.........おまえら。」 ".........You guys."

If Kirby enters Mace Knight's secret area. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Surprised "Oh no! Those are my hidden tomatoes!" 「あああぁぁ!わしのへそくりのトマトと1upがあぁぁぁ!」 "Aaaah! My secret stash of tomatoes and 1-UPs aaah!"
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Angry "You idiot! You hid those?" 「おまえそんなものをためこんでいたのかぁ!バカものぉ!」 "You were the one hoarding them?! Idiot!"
Sailor Waddle Dee KSS Sailor Waddle Dee Neutral "They look delicious." 「(…おいしそう)」 "(... they look delicious)"

Kirby enters the room before the reactor. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Surprised "Kirby is heading toward the reactor!" 「カービィがリアクターに向かっています!」 "Kirby is heading toward the reactor!"
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Surprised "If we lose power, we're doomed!!" 「動力がなくなったら、こんどこそアウトだスよ!!」 "If we lost power, it's over!!"
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Neutral "Relax. The reactor can't be defeated!" 「案ずるな。リアクターはカービィのどんな攻撃も受け付けまい!」 "Never fear. The reactor won't receive any attacks from Kirby!"
Sailor Waddle Dee KSS Sailor Waddle Dee Neutral "I hope no reflect lasers hit the reactor!" 「反射レーザーがリアクターに当たらなければムテキだね。」 "So long as a reflection laser doesn't hit the reactor, it will be invincible."
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Angry "Shhh! That's a SECRET!" 「しぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃっ!よけいなこと言うなっ!」 "Shhhhhhhhhhh! You've said too much!"

Kirby defeats the reactor. The following dialogue progresses automatically, but can be progressed through faster with manual progression.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Surprised "Bad news! The reactor's been damaged!" 「リアクターを破壊されました!」 "The reactor was destroyed!"
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Surprised "The Wheelies are abandoning ship!" 「動力であるウィリー達が逃げていくダスぅ!」 "The Wheelie power sources are escaping!"
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Angry "Urgggh! Do SOMETHING!" 「ええぃ、なにをやっておるのだぁぁ!」 "Gah, what are you doing?!"

The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Surprised Looks like the explosion from Heavy Lobster took out the right wing! 「ヘビーロブスターの爆発で、右ウィングもこわれただス! "The explosion from Heavy Lobster damaged the right wing!
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Thinking Hm. Hmm. Having both wings destroyed might be just what we needed... 「ふ、ふ~んだ。左右がこわれて、ちょうどいいわいっ。 "Hmph, humph. Having left and right destroyed may be just right.
Meta Knight KSSU Meta Knight Neutral ... ... ... ... 「……………。 "................
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Neutral Kirby is climbing around the outside of the ship, heading for the helm. 「カービィは、外壁をつたって戦艦底部に向かうようです。 "Kirby is going along the outer wall of the battleship, looking to head toward the base.

If Kirby enters the secret area in the clouds. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Surprised Ack! Kirby's disappeared from the radar! 「ややっ!?カービィがレーダーから消えただス! "Oh no!? Kirby disappeared from the radar!
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Surprised You lost him?! Find him! Do it now! 「見失ったのか!?さがせさがせぃ! "You lost him!? Search search!
Meta Knight KSSU Meta Knight Determined He's hiding in the clouds, it seems... He'll come out soon... 「雲の中にまぎれたようだな…そのうち出てくるだろう。 "He appears to have disappeared in the clouds... He'll come out soon.

Kirby enters the bottom of the ship. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Neutral Kirby is moving along the base of the ship. 「カービィは戦艦底部を進行中。 "Kirby is moving along the base of the battleship.
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Neutral Not much we can do to him there... But the wind is strong. 「手薄なところだな…しかし風が強い。 "That place is undermanned... but it's windy.
Sailor Waddle Dee KSSU Sailor Waddle Dee Neutral And it's cold. 「さむい。 "It's cold.
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Neutral And it's high. 「たかい。 "It's high.
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Crying And it's scary. 「こわいだス。 "It's scary.
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Thinking ...All right, you lot. 「.........おまえら。 ".........You guys.

If Kirby enters Mace Knight's secret area. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Surprised Nooo! My secret stash of food and 1-UPs! 「あああぁぁ!わしのへそくりのトマトと1upがあぁぁぁ! "Aaaah! My secret stash of tomatoes and 1-UPs aaah!
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Angry So you were the one hoarding them! You scallywag! 「おまえそんなものをためこんでいたのかぁ!バカものぉ! "You were the one hoarding them?! Idiot!
Sailor Waddle Dee KSSU Sailor Waddle Dee Neutral (They looked delicious...) 「(…おいしそう) "(... they look delicious)

Kirby enters the room before the reactor. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Surprised Kirby is headed for the reactor! 「カービィがリアクターに向かっています! "Kirby is heading toward the reactor!
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Surprised If we lose the reactor, this is all over for sure! 「動力がなくなったら、こんどこそアウトだスよ!! "If we lost power, it's over!!
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Neutral Never fear. I don't think Kirby can do anything to the reactor. 「案ずるな。リアクターはカービィのどんな攻撃も受け付けまい! "Never fear. The reactor won't receive any attacks from Kirby!
Sailor Waddle Dee KSSU Sailor Waddle Dee Neutral So long as a reflected laser doesn't hit the reactor, it will be invincible. 「反射レーザーがリアクターに当たらなければムテキだね。 "So long as a reflection laser doesn't hit the reactor, it will be invincible.
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Angry Eeeyah! Don't even say things like that! 「しぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃぃっ!よけいなこと言うなっ! "Shhhhhhhhhhh! You've said too much!

Kirby defeats the reactor. The following dialogue progresses automatically, but can be progressed through faster with manual progression.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Surprised The reactor has been destroyed! 「リアクターを破壊されました! "The reactor was destroyed!
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Surprised All of our Wheelie power sources are escaping! 「動力であるウィリー達が逃げていくダスぅ! "The Wheelie power sources are escaping!
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Angry Ahhh! What are you idiots doing?! 「ええぃ、なにをやっておるのだぁぁ! "Gah, what are you doing?!

Chapter 7[]

The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Crying "We are losing power! Engine No.3! Engine No.5!" 「各部の機能が低下しています!第3、第5エンジン停止!」 "All functions declining! No. 3 and No. 5 engines ceasing!"
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Crying "Ain't any power left! We can't fly!" 「もうぼろぼろだス!すぐにおちるだスよ!」 "It's already falling apart! We're going to crash soon!"
Meta Knight KSS Meta Knight Neutral "(We've failed... it's over.)" 「(不覚…だがやむをえまい)」 "(We've failed... but it couldn't be helped.)"
KSS Meta Knight Determined "Attention all crew! Evacuate ship!!" 「クルー全員に告ぐ!至急本艦より脱出せよ!!」 "Attention to all crew! Escape from this ship immediately!!"
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Crying "Waaah! The ship's going down!" 「あひえぇぇぇ!この艦はもうだめだぁ!!わしは逃げるぅ!」 "Ahyeeee! This warship is useless now! I have to escape!"

The following dialogue progresses automatically.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Captain Vul KSS Captain Vul Thinking "I'm not staying. I'm evacuating!!" 「じゃ、わしは逃げますぅ!悪く思わんで下さい!」 "Well then, I'm escaping! Please don't think badly of me!"
Meta Knight KSS Meta Knight Determined "Now, it's your turn to evacuate." 「さあ、次はおまえたちが逃げる番だ。」 "Now, it's your turn to escape next."
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Crying "No, I want to stay with you, Sir!" 「いえ、最後までおつき合いさせていただきます!」 "No, I will stay together until the end!"
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Crying "Let's try one more time to get Kirby!" 「カービィをぎゃふんといわせて、それからみんなで逃げるだス!」 "Let's beat Kirby speechless, and then we all escape!"
Meta Knight KSS Meta Knight Neutral "Hmmm....." 「……………………。」 "........................."
".....It's dangerous, but it's worth a try!" 「…しにぞこないどもめ。かってにするがよい。」 "...You have escaped death. Do as you please."
KSS Meta Knight Determined "Thank you, guys." 「(…すまない)」 "(...I'm sorry)"

Kirby fights the Meta-Knights. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Neutral "Wait, Kirby!!" 「まて、カービィ!!」 "Wait, Kirby!!"
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Crying "You can't go any further!" 「こっからさきには、通さないだスよ!」 "I cannot let you pass through here!"

Kirby defeats the Meta-Knights. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSS Axe Knight Crying "Sir Meta-Knight, you're on your own!" 「メタナイトさま、あとはおねがいしますぅ!」 "Sir Meta Knight, please do the rest!"
Mace Knight KSS Mace Knight Crying "We're evacuating!" 「ダメなわしらはおさきにしつれいだスぅ!」 "We're no good, so we'll go ahead!"

Kirby enters Meta Knight's room. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Meta Knight KSS Meta Knight Neutral "Kirby, this is it! Prepare to die!" 「これが最後だ!カービィ!いざ勝負!!」 "This is the end! Kirby! Now battle!!"
Sailor Waddle Dee KSS Sailor Waddle Dee Surprised "Th-thump. Th-thump." 「(どきどきどきどき…)」 "(Thump-thump thump-thump...)"

Kirby rides Wheelie to escape. The following dialogue progresses automatically.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Meta Knight KSS Meta Knight Neutral "You'll never escape!" 「のがさんぞ!」 "I won't let you escape!"

The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Crying All systems failing! No. 3 and No. 5 engines are gone! 「各部の機能が低下しています!第3、第5エンジン停止! "All functions declining! No. 3 and No. 5 engines ceasing!
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Crying We're junked! Nothing left to do but crash! 「もうぼろぼろだス!すぐにおちるだスよ! "It's already falling apart! We're going to crash soon!
Meta Knight KSSU Meta Knight Neutral (We've failed...but there's nothing we can do.) 「(不覚…だがやむをえまい) "(We've failed... but it couldn't be helped.)
KSSU Meta Knight Determined Attention to all crew! Evacuate ship immediately! 「クルー全員に告ぐ!至急本艦より脱出せよ!! "Attention to all crew! Escape from this ship immediately!!
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Crying Ahhh! This ship is done for! I gotta get out of here! 「あひえぇぇぇ!この艦はもうだめだぁ!!わしは逃げるぅ! "Ahyeeee! This warship is useless now! I have to escape!

The following dialogue progresses automatically.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Captain Vul KSSU Captain Vul Thinking I'm escaping now! Don't think badly of me! 「じゃ、わしは逃げますぅ!悪く思わんで下さい! "Well then, I'm escaping! Please don't think badly of me!
Meta Knight KSSU Meta Knight Determined So... Now it's time for the rest of you to escape as well. 「さあ、次はおまえたちが逃げる番だ。 "Now, it's your turn to escape next.
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Crying I will stay until the bitter end. 「いえ、最後までおつき合いさせていただきます! "No, I will stay together until the end!
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Crying We should finish off Kirby then all escape together! 「カービィをぎゃふんといわせて、それからみんなで逃げるだス! "Let's beat Kirby speechless, and then we all escape!
Meta Knight KSSU Meta Knight Neutral ... ... ... ... 「……………………。 ".........................
...You are all about to perish. Do as you please. 「…しにぞこないどもめ。かってにするがよい。 "...You have escaped death. Do as you please.
KSSU Meta Knight Determined (...I'm sorry.) 「(…すまない) "(...I'm sorry)

Kirby fights the Meta-Knights. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Crying Wait, Kirby!! 「まて、カービィ!! "Wait, Kirby!!
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Crying I cannot let you go any farther! 「こっからさきには、通さないだスよ! "I cannot let you pass through here!

Kirby defeats the Meta-Knights. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Axe Knight KSSU Axe Knight Crying Lord Meta Knight, please take care! 「メタナイトさま、あとはおねがいしますぅ! "Sir Meta Knight, please do the rest!
Mace Knight KSSU Mace Knight Crying We'll go on ahead then! 「ダメなわしらはおさきにしつれいだスぅ! "We're no good, so we'll go ahead!

Kirby enters Meta Knight's room. The following dialogue progresses manually.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Meta Knight KSSU Meta Knight Neutral This is the end! Kirby! Come meet your doom!! 「これが最後だ!カービィ!いざ勝負!! "This is the end! Kirby! Now battle!!
Sailor Waddle Dee KSSU Sailor Waddle Dee Surprised (Heart races...) 「(どきどきどきどき…) "(Thump-thump thump-thump...)

Kirby rides Wheelie to escape. The following dialogue progresses automatically.

Character Image English Dialogue Japanese Dialogue Translation
Meta Knight KSSU Meta Knight Neutral I won't let you escape! 「のがさんぞ! "I won't let you escape!


  • With the exception of newly-added lines of dialogue, the Japanese script is mostly unchanged from Kirby Super Star to Kirby Super Star Ultra. Most of the differences in the English scripts for the games is a result of a different translation. The Kirby Super Star Ultra translation is more faithful to the Japanese script than the Kirby Super Star one.
  • In the Japanese script, certain characters often end their sentences in certain ways; this is not translatable into English.
  • In the Japanese script, Captain Vul and Mace Knight use the first-person pronoun わし (washi), which is often used in fiction to represent men of older age. わし can also mean "eagle," but this is likely a coincidence.
  • In the Japanese script, Captain Vul and Axe Knight refer to Meta Knight as メタナイトさま (Meta Knight-sama), with the さま (sama) suffix being used to show respect for him; this honorific is translated as "Sir" in Kirby Super Star and "Lord" in Kirby Super Star Ultra.
  • Captain Vul and Meta Knight refer to the others with the second-person pronoun おまえ (omae). This word was formerly honorific, but is now typically derogatory referring to an inferior or equal, but can also have acceptable use in a highly informal relationship. The derogatory interpretation is used for Captain Vul in the translation.
  • Prologue:
    • The dialogue remains identical in both English versions and has no translation differences.
    • In the English script, Meta Knight claims that Dream Land has a lazy lifestyle. In the Japanese script, Meta Knight describes Dream Land as being full of corruption/depravity, with だらく (daraku) meaning corruption/depravity. The Japanese word meaning "to be lazy" would be だらける (darakeru), which is very similar.
    • Meta Knight also claims he will rule Dream Land in the English script, but the Japanese one instead he claims he will rebuild/reform it (変える) without any explicit claims of ruling.
  • Chapter 1:
    • In Kirby Super Star, Meta Knight commands those on the deck to assume combat mode; in the Japanese script and in the Kirby Super Star Ultra translation, Meta Knight additionally commands all others to prepare for takeoff.
    • In Kirby Super Star Ultra, Axe Knight specifically addresses Captain Vul when telling that Kirby has entered the rocket valve.
    • When Kirby is behind the nozzle (where he first encounters Heavy Lobster), four lines of dialogue play out automatically in Kirby Super Star before takeoff. In Kirby Super Star Ultra, there are now seven lines of dialogue, the first three of which require manual input and feature added dialogue for Axe Knight and Captain Vul, while the latter four progress automatically, adding a new line of dialogue for Sailor Waddle Dee.
  • Chapter 2:
    • In Kirby Super Star Ultra, Captain Vul refers to the Halberd as "My flying fortress," appearing to claim ownership of it, but this is not the case in the Japanese script, where he instead says この空中戦艦 (Kono kūchū senkan), where この (kono) instead means "this." Furthermore, while he calls it a "flying fortress," a title also used by Kabula, the word used for the Halberd in the Japanese script is 空中戦艦 (kūchū senkan), which more literally translates to "air battleship"; Kabula is referred to in Japanese with 飛行砲台 (hikō hōdai), which more closely means "flying fortress."
    • Meta Knight mentions Grape Garden in Kirby Super Star, but calls it "Grape Gardens" in Kirby Super Star Ultra. In the Japanese version, Meta Knight says グレープ・ガーデン (Grape Garden), but it features an interpunct, unlike the typical Japanese spelling for Grape Garden, グレープガーデン.
  • Chapter 3:
    • In the Japanese script and in the Kirby Super Star translation, Sailor Waddle Dee questions whether or not Kirby has been taken care of. In the Kirby Super Star Ultra translation, this is more vague, no longer being a question and instead trailing off.
  • Chapter 4:
    • In the Kirby Super Star translation, Axe Knight's initial dialogue is in active voice and uses the "we" pronoun as the subject, but in the Kirby Super Star Ultra translation, it is in passive voice, using Dyna Blade as the subject. The Japanese script lacks any pronouns, but this is not unusual.
    • When Kirby encounters the Meta-Knights, Meta Knight addresses Kirby first in the Kirby Super Star translation, but ends the sentence with Kirby's name in the Kirby Super Star Ultra translation, being more in line with the Japanese script.
    • In the Kirby Super Star translation, Captain Vul says "our power," but in the Kirby Super Star Ultra translation, he instead says "the power of Meta Knight"; in the Japanese script, he is instead referring to the Meta-Knights themselves (メタ・ナイツ), whom Kirby is currently fighting. The use of Meta Knight's name in the Kirby Super Star Ultra translation is likely a mistranslation.
    • When Kirby enters the Halberd, Captain Vul suggests leading Kirby in front of the "twin cannon" in the Kirby Super Star translation, but is more vague and says "one of the cannons" in the Kirby Super Star Ultra translation. In the Japanese script, he specifies the "main cannon" (主砲), lacking the "twin" description of the former's translation or the vagueness of the latter's translation.
    • Later on, Axe Knight also refers to the armament as the "twin cannon" in the Kirby Super Star translation, but instead refers to it as "Main Cannon #2 in the Kirby Super Star Ultra translation; the Japanese script uses 2連主砲 (2-Ren Shuhō) in this instance, which translates to "double main cannon" and is the official Japanese name for Combo Cannon. "Combo Cannon" never appears in the English script, with the name only appearing when fought in The Arena in Kirby Super Star (using its English name in all regions). The name "Main Cannon #2" is likely a mistranslation of the Japanese name, as 主砲 (shuhō) means "Main Cannon" and its name features a numeral "2" rather than one in kanji, 二.
  • Chapter 5:
    • In Kirby Super Star, Mace Knight, Captain Vul, and Axe Knight react to Combo Cannon being destroyed; in Kirby Super Star Ultra, three more lines are added, giving additional dialogue to Axe Knight and Captain Vul, as well as a line of dialogue from Sailor Waddle Dee.
    • After Kirby damages the left wing, Meta Knight commands to "increase right wing power" in the Kirby Super Star translation, but instead to says to "give more lift to the left wing" in Kirby Super Star Ultra. In the Japanese script, Meta Knight instead commands to lower right wing power instead of increasing power to either wing.
    • When Kirby enters the ducts, four lines of dialogue play out automatically in Kirby Super Star. In Kirby Super Star Ultra, there are now seven lines of dialogue, the first three of which require manual input and feature added dialogue for Captain Vul and Mace Knight, while the latter four progress automatically, adding another new line of dialogue for Mace Knight.
    • In Kirby Super Star Ultra, Axe Knight's line of dialogue additionally has him mention finding Kirby on the radar.
  • Chapter 6:
    • When Kirby is at the lower portion of the ship, Captain Vul says "The bottom's weak..." in the Kirby Super Star translation and "Not much we can do to him there..." in the Kirby Super Star Ultra translation. In the Japanese script, the meaning is more clear, saying the bottom of the ship is undermanned (手薄).
    • In the Japanese script, when commenting on the conditions near the bottom of the ship, the characters speak using only the adjectives: cold (さむい), high (たかい), and scary (こわい).
    • If Kirby enters Mace Knight's secret room, he only mentions "tomatoes" in the Kirby Super Star translation, but says "food and 1-UPs" in the Kirby Super Star Ultra translation. The Japanese script specifies tomatoes (トマト) instead of generic "food," but also mentions 1-UPs (1up). It is possible the change from tomatoes to "food" is because the room contains several food items instead of just tomatoes (although it does feature a standard tomato and a Maxim Tomato).
    • When Captain Vul berates Mace Knight for hoarding the food, he insults him first in the Kirby Super Star translation, but remarks about his hoarding before insulting him afterward in Kirby Super Star Ultra. The latter is more in line with the Japanese script.
  • Chapter 7:
    • In Kirby Super Star, Captain Vul initially cries about the ship going down; in the Japanese script and in the Kirby Super Star Ultra translation, he additionally vocalizes his need to evacuate.
    • In Kirby Super Star, when Captain Vul goes to escape, he only announces his leaving; in the Japanese script and in the Kirby Super Star Ultra translation, he additionally requests for the others to not have any hard feelings about him escaping first.
    • In the Kirby Super Star translation, when Axe Knight and Mace Knight express a final desire to get rid of Kirby in the crashing ship, Meta Knight accepts their desires and thanks them for helping out. In the Kirby Super Star Ultra translation, he expresses how death is approaching and that they can spend their time as they wish before apologizing internally. すまない can refer to remorse or an apology, but it can also mean "thank you" in a very casual situation (as an informal variant of すみません sumimasen); it is also often used by male speakers.
    • When Kirby enters Meta Knight's room, Meta Knight declares that Kirby should "prepare to die" or "meet [his] doom" in the Kirby Super Star and Kirby Super Star Ultra translations, respectively. In the Japanese script, Meta Knight instead says いざ勝負, which is a declaration to fight, rather than having any explicit mentions of death or doom.